Casio VR Bulletin

Eat Out to Help Out (EOHO) Configuration

Tech Bulletin

New EOHO Configuration

Government Scheme for Hospitality Businesses

On 13th July 2020 the UK government announced a new initiative aimed at protecting hospitality jobs and encouraging people to safely return to dining out. More details are available from the government’s official website.

To make it easier for Casio V-R users to see the total discountable  amount, we have devised the below step-by-step guide for system owners.


How to…

Before we begin, please check your system setup below and take the corresponding action:

Casio Cloud Customers:

Casio V-R7000 & V-R200 Standalone Customers:

  • As long as you normally program your till directly (using the touch screen terminal) and you do not use a separate ‘cloud’ back office programming and reporting utility, then you can proceed with the instructions below.



1. Creating a New Tax Band

We will use a new tax band to track the items amounts that can be included in the discount. 

  • Sign on as a manager/administrator.
  • Tap the ‘Settings’ tab and then tap ‘Reg Settings’.
  • Tap on the ‘Feature’ tab.
  • Tap on ‘Tax Master’.
  • From here, tap on the first available unused tax band. In many cases this will be the third record in the list (VAT 3). But if this has been used then use ‘VAT 4’.
  • Tap on the band on the left and then the right hand side will populate with the settings we are going to change. Tap on the ‘TAX NAME’ field and type in a name such as ‘EOHO’.
  • Tap on the ‘Taxable Amount Name’ and type in ‘EOHO TOTAL’.
  • Tap on ‘Tax Amount Name’ and enter ‘EOHO AMOUNT’.
  • Ensure the ‘Tax Calculation’ field is set to ‘Add in(VAT)’ as pictured.
  • Set the Tax Rate to 0%.
  • Set the Rounding to ‘Round off’.
  • Tap ‘Save’ and ‘Close’.

2. Apply Band to Eligible Products

We will now apply the new band to all products on the system that are eligible for a the EOHO discount scheme. To make this process as quickly as possible, we can make this change in batches instead of editing each product individually.

  1. From the last step in the previous section, tap on the ‘item’ tab and then tap ‘item settings’.
  2. You will see a magnifying glass icon at the top left of the screen. Tap this and then tap ‘search with condition’.
  3. Tap on ‘department’ twice.
  4. Select a department dwhich you would like the discount to apply to, then tap on ‘OK’. The products that are listed on the left of the screen are filtered down by the department you just selected.
  5. Tap on ‘Batch’. Scroll down to ‘Tax Code 2’ and tap this field. Tap on ‘EOHO AMOUNT’ (see picture).
  6. Tap on ‘Save’ and then tap ‘Save’ again on the ‘confirm setting’ prompt.
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 above until you have included all EOHO discountable products in the newly created tax band. When done, tap ‘close’, ‘close’ again and then ‘OK’ when prompted to restart the till. 


3. Create an EOHO Discount Key (Button)

We will now create an amount minus (£-) discount button so that we can apply the EOHO discount to the amount that will be highlighted by the new EOHO tax band.

  • Sign on as a manager/administrator and tap ‘settings’ and ‘reg settings.
  • Tap the ‘Key’ tab and then ‘Function Key’.
  • Tap ‘Location’ and scroll down until you find the ‘Finalise’ screen. Tap one of the red highlighted areas where there is a spare key on the till. You may wish to note down where there is a spare slot before beginning this process. In the example (from a V-R200 screen which is smaller than the V-T7000), the top most section is generally where you will find a spare key do add this discount button.
  • When you tap the section, a popup will appear where you can select a key slot to edit.


  • In this instance, we are going to select ‘CHECK3’ as this is simply an unused button. On your system, you may just have a few blank slots that you can tap, as these will be spare and available to use. Take care not to overwrite an existing function key that you currently use.


  • In the next screen, tap on the ‘Func Code’ field on the right hand side (second record down). Scroll down the list that pops up until you find the function code 1027 which is named “TTL-“. Tap this and then tap ‘OK’.
  • Tap on the ‘descriptor’ field and type in ‘EOHO DISCOUNT’ Tap ‘OK’.
  • Tap ‘Service Charge’ and tap ‘No’. Now tap ‘Save’.
  • Tap ‘close’, ‘close’ and return to registration mode.


4. Test the Solution




“The EOHO total is not calculating/displaying on my bill”

Please revisit Step 1 and check that the tax calculation field is set to ‘Add in(VAT)’. If this is set to ‘non’ then the system will not calculate the EOHO total. Even though it is set at 0% it still requires a calculation method set so that it will apply the calculation. If you have to correct this, save the change and restart the till if required.

“I checked the above and the EOHO amount is still not printing to the bill”

A: It may be that this particular section has been disabled on the receipt layout. To check this, sign on as a manager and tap ‘Settings’, ‘Reg Settings’ and then the ‘Receipt tab’. Tap on ‘receipt Layout’ and then tap ’80mm’ (the width of your receipt paper type). Tap ‘Show Feed’ and then scroll down until you see ‘tatax’ on the left. If the text is grey (instead of black) then just tap ‘tatax’ and then tap ‘valid’. Tap ‘Save’ and ‘close’. return to registration (sales) mode and retry.

5. Ending the Scheme Calculation

  • To stop showing the EOHO calculation, simply revisit step one of this guide and modify the EOHO Tax band so that the ‘Tax Calculation’ field is set to ‘non’.
  • Once changed and saved you will be prompted to restart the cash register application.